Husband and Wife: Dave and Chris

Exercise has always played a major role in our lives, but the changes that we have experienced doing crossfit  coupled with changing our eating habits  have  definitely set it apart from anything else we’ve ever done.  We’ve both lost weight, especially Dave and   we’re  stronger , faster,   have more energy,   and sleep more soundly.  But it’s the mental tenacity—the realization that we are far more capable of doing things than we realize;  that has made the biggest difference for us.  It’s helped us take that philosophy out of the gym and apply it to life. Our bodies are an amazing gift and taking care of them positively affects every aspect  of our lives. It’s the whole package; what we eat, how we exercise, what we focus on, all those things have helped us  “do life better.”  You see, we don’t live to do crossfit, we do crossfit to live.    

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